Can You Change Your Reddit Username?

Reddit Feature Image

Most of us have been online for a long time. But as time goes on, we may start to regret the “edgy” username we created several years ago. If you’ve ever cringed looking at your credentials, you may have wondered how to change your Reddit username. This guide explains what’s involved with changing a Reddit username and walks you through the process for desktop and mobile devices.

Looking for something different? Check out the 5 best Reddit alternatives.

Can You Change Your Reddit Username?

Yes, you can change your username on Reddit, but it comes with a caveat. In short, there is a tiny window and specific circumstances that make it possible.

Reddit leaves no room for error with usernames. Once you create an account, you are seemingly stuck with it for life, whether you like it or not. However, if you signed up for Reddit through your Google account or Apple ID, you can change the automatically-generated username Reddit provides. Unfortunately, you only have 30 days to do so.

The Reddit username change policy states that regular users can’t even change the text to upper or lower case letters. “Once a username is finalized, it can’t be changed in any way, including its capitalization,” Reddit explains on a support page.

How to Change Your Reddit Username on Desktop

If you signed up for Reddit using your Google account or Apple ID and are still within the first 30 days, changing your Reddit username is relatively easy.

  1. Sign in to your Reddit account.
Reddit Change Username Desktop Sign In
  1. You’ll see a pop-up in the top corner. Click “Change Username” if you want something different than what Reddit autogenerated.
Reddit change username pop-up continue
  1. Enter the username you’d like to use, keeping in mind that it must be between three and 20 characters.
Reddit change username
  1. Click “Continue.”
Reddit change username
  1. If you are sure that’s the username that you forever want to use, click on “Save Username.”
Reddit save username
  1. A small banner at the bottom will confirm the permanent change.
Reddit change username confirmation

Also helpful: use one of these tools to view deleted Reddit posts and comments.

How to Change Your Reddit Username on Mobile

The process of changing your Reddit username on your mobile device is similar to that of the desktop actions and is the same for iOS and Android.

  1. Open the Reddit app on your mobile device, and tap the profile icon in the top-right corner.
Reddit Mobile profile
  1. Tap on “My Profile.”
Reddit Mobile my profile
  1. When asked whether you want to change or keep your username, tap on “Change Username” to initiate the process.
Reddit Mobile change username conirmation
  1. Enter your desired username, between three and 20 characters. There will be a notification if the username is already taken.
Reddit Mobile username change
  1. Tap “Next” in the top-right corner.
Reddit Mobile username change available
  1. Tap on “Save Username.”
Reddit Mobile save username and click ok
  1. A pop-up will confirm the permanent change, and tapping “OK” takes you to your profile page.
Reddit Mobile app

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a display name and username on Reddit?

Your Reddit username is your unique identifier on the website. It shows up on all posts and comments you make on the platform.

Your display name is simply the name that shows on your profile page. It does not show up anywhere else on Reddit.

Can I have multiple usernames on Reddit?

You can create as many Reddit accounts as you wish, but each account will have a separate username. You can’t have multiple usernames for one account.

Can I reuse my username from a deleted Reddit account?

No. Once you delete your account, the associated username will become unusable and never available again.

Image credit: Unsplash. All screenshots by Charlie Fripp.

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Charlie Fripp

Charlie Fripp is a technology writer with a strong focus on consumer gadgets, video games, and cyber security. He holds an undergraduate degree in professional journalism and has worked as a journalist for over 15 years. In his spare time, he enjoys playing various musical instruments and gardening.